• NAUI Dual Advanced Open Water Scuba & Nitrox Diver Certification

NAUI Dual Advanced Open Water Scuba & Nitrox Diver Certification

Dual Certification for NAUI Advanced and Nitrox Diver

Enroll in a NAUI Dual Advanced Diver Course & Nitrox Course.

We are so EXCITED to combine these courses, allowing you to gain new dive skills faster than ever. So instead of registering for two individual classes on differnet dates we've combined these courses allowing you to get your in-class training done IN ONE DAY!

A NAUI Advanced certification allows you to explore new dive sites and undertake exclusive activities under the supervision of a NAUI Instructor. This course allows individuals to learn about specialties and diving activities of particular interest. Your confidence and skill as a diver will increase while you experience the excitement of learning more about the underwater world.

During training, students complete a minimum of six open-water dives, including three separate dives for navigation, night or low visibility diving, and deep diving (130 feet/40 meters of maximum depth), plus three additional dives including Boat, self rescue, currents and more.

A NAUI Nitrox Certification teaches how to choose the proper blend of Nitrox for your dive profile, determine maximum depth limits for your Nitrox mixture, analyze your breathing mixture, and plan and safely execute each dive. Your instructor will teach you about the physiology of oxygen and nitrogen; advantages, disadvantages, and risks of nitrox; oxygen toxicity; hazards and precautions of handling oxygen; the concept of Equivalent Air Depth; use of EANx with standard Air Dive Tables; common gas mixing procedures; and more.


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Availability: Contact us for booking information

NAUI Dual Advanced & Nitrox Diver Certification August 17, 2023

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